Duc in altum
Duc In Altum - pronounced Dūc in Altūm - means to "draw into the deep." As a Catholic, Janenne is drawn to Latin, the official language of the church. To draw into the deep means to put out into the unknown, to explore a mystery. Therefore, to her, it seemed a fitting name for this new endeavor.
janenne declouet
Janenne has over 15 years of experience navigating the waterways of South Louisiana. She finds joy in sharing her loves of nature, kayaking, photography, and her Catholic faith. Whether the paddle is educational, filled with stories, or more reflective - each experience on the water is sure to be a memorable one.
“Peter and his first companions trusted Christ’s
words, and cast the nets. When they had done
this, they caught a great number of fish.”
in memoriam
Duc In Altum would not have been possible without the love and support of Mark deClouet, Sr. It is through his deep dedication to family values & community involvement that Duc In Altum is dedicated to drawing others deeper into discovering their world through observation and conversation.